Progress with the new guild

Well, the first raid is over at our guild, Paragnosia (very, very bad name if you ask me), and my fears thankfully did not manifest during the raid – at least not all of them.

See, the main deal was that the guild was founded by a small core of my friends who’ve been playing WoW the HC way since many years. However, these five or six guys are obviously not enough to fill a raid up, therefore we had to recruit, and you may know that raiding with a bunch of new guys can be really frustrating.

However, we decided to go normal for first, and it was going smooth for a while – we oneshotted the first boss, and the second one too, even though the Cleave mechanism was badly fucked up by the groups. This might be an indicator to the fact that Normal difficulty is very, very easy, but nevertheless, we went on to kill the third and fourth boss as well without much trouble.


On Brackenspore, I could even see some focus and working tactics going on, which was really nice to see after such a long hiatus. I also have to mention that I led the raid, which is kind of a mixed blessing since I was kind of good at it back then, but now I am clearly not. Top that off with a shitty laptop microphone and there you have the weirdest raid leader ever.

Hunter DPS was awesome, I was in the top 3 when I could normally DPS (e.g. wasn’t running around with the flamethrower like an idiot).

The real challenge awaits though with the last 3 bosses of normal and then moving on to Heroic – first 2 HC bosses will be cake though if we shape up a bit. Glorious loot awaits! :D

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